Event Registration System


The client, United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation (SP) – works diligently to create connections between the diverse, high-performing workforce of the minority education community and private industry to address the nation’s imperatives. The goal of SP is to provide Minority Institutions (MIs) with capacity-building opportunities; the government and private industry with access to a talented and diverse workforce; and individuals with the experience, exposure, mentoring, and development they need to have successful and empowered careers.

  • To develop an event registration system that gives SP users the ability to complete the registration for any SP event
  • To develop an event management system that has the reporting functionality and the ability for SP staff to set up an event

SP wanted MMG to build a complete event system which provides the SP users the ability to view event details and complete event registration and also allows SP staff to set up an event and to view customized event registration reports.

MMG developed the system in two parts – one for the SP users and one for the SP admin/staff members. The system built for the SP users was an interface that allowed SP users to view the event details such as location, cost, event description, etc. To register for the event, SP users had to use their SP login and password (if they were already registered) or were required to create a new SP account (in a very easy and quick manner). MMG set up secured online payment processing system for events that required payment. The system was set up in a manner that the users could register at the event site itself. The event site registration was linked to the event database. There was an automated email confirmation upon payment of the event, on event registration, and for event updates.

MMG developed a system for SP admin/staff that helped them to manage their events. Any SP staff member had the ability to create a new event for the project for which they were associated. MMG gave them the ability to create their own questions and descriptions, to add an event item which could be assigned any cost, set up the event location, etc. MMG also gave them the ability to generate custom reports based on each event and the ability to set up a dedicated URL for each event. This helped SP staff to display a direct link to any event, which facilitated improved marketing and advertising of the event information. The amount received from event charges was linked to the accounting department, helping SP consolidate their event accounts in a central location.

Major Achievements:
  • The system helped SP users to register for any event in a quick and secured manner
  • It helped SP staff to manage and set up an event with ease
  • UNCFSP Infomercial
  • Disability Associates Commercial
  • NASA Student Training Video
  • Winning Government Contracts
  • Comanche II Project
  • Highlands Group
  • DKW Communications Website Redesign
  • NASA Content Management System
  • NOVA YearUp
  • NASA Spotlight
  • Hartnell College
  • IIPP Infomercial
  • MUST Recruitment Video
  • "Keepin' It Real"
  • Say Something PSA
  • Online Application System
  • Social Media
  • SPEventManagement
  • UNCFSP Website Redesign
  • Online Survey System
  • Timesheet System
  • Capabilties Database
  • E-Contact System